Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Obama is Amazing!

"Obama knocked it out of the park last night as he spoke directly,forcefully and forthrightly to a predominantly enthusiastic audience i.e., there were a group of Republicans who looked like they had all sucked on lemons and were frozen in time appearing as granite like sour pusses. No applause from them at all". But Obama's star continued to rise soaring brilliantly as he delivered a dazzling blueprint for the country while citing accomplishments which indicate the US is well on the road to recovery and wholeness. More than a campaign speech as some detractors have labeled it, Obama presented as a President in control and supremely aware of his responsibilities and reach. His report informed what his administration has accomplished while providing practical strategies and solutions for moving forward. He took a hard line on economic inequality and made a courageous pledge to combat unfairness by taking action in the form of aggressive rules and policies enactment and responsive executive orders... Continue to pray and lift him and our country, rich, poor, Democrats and Republicans alike up!