Monday, March 31, 2014

Meeting an Extended ACA Deadline...Change We Can Afford...

Today is the big deadline and many are scrambling to get signed up with an affordable health insurance policy via the marketplace. Early reports are that there has been an enormous surge of down--to-the-wire filers and those who are eternally grateful for every extension that has been granted throughout the harried yet fruitful online and real time delivery process, giving them another chance. It is a crying shame that there has been so much negative campaigning against the Affordable Care Act by Republicans with an axe to grind. You would think that there were not millions of people already signed up and happy to finally be able to visit a doctor's office or receive much needed surgery or other medical treatment. The bottom line is Obamacare is working and the people who have gained from it are speaking. Friends and relatives alike have expressed satisfaction about their ACA policies. They also now have peace of mind and the wherewithal to get the medical treatment long unattainable.Thank god! I pray that the current invective in the form of general disrespect and television ads will cease. The opposition should stop using this issue as a means of building up momentum for Republicans in the midterm elections. People are in need and the ACA is meeting that need.All the brouhaha about deadlines and the administration's leniency in that regard should tone down as well. In fact,why not just call a moratorium on the negative criticisms,nasty ads and the general disparaging tone. Let people sign up for health insurance as long as they are in need and have made good faith efforts to comply with reasonable guidelines.Of course, deadlines are needed as much as rules and regulations. But, the compassion extended to those in need should be commensurate with the weight of the situation. Health care delivery has been at crisis proportion in our nation for a number of years. We finally have a system in place to work at fixing the problem.It is not a panacea. But it is american as apple pie--efforts by fellow citizens to meet the needs and address the concerns of their neighbors through constructive problem solving in the form of legislation. How about keeping the flow going within reason with commensurate doses of compassion for those really in need? ...whoever is kind to the needy honors God. -Proverbs 14:31

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Medicaid Expansion and Praise for Obamacare

Obamacare has been a real Godsend for me and many people I know--family and friends--who do not have or did not have adequate insurance coverage until the Marketplace Exchange provided them with viable option. Because of the Medicaid Expansion component of the ACA and good fortune that my state has a governor who advocated for and elected the Medicaid option, I (and others similarly situated) will be covered in time fully for needed medical care and surgery which ironically or fortuitously is not on the books until early April. Thank you Obama and all in congress,senate, business leaders who voted,supported and advocated for expansion of Medicaid.