Friday, February 21, 2014

Praise for the ACA...

Everybody needs good quality affordable health care.Affordable health care has been a need many citizens have thirsted for and demanded in this country for decades. Finally, a leader came along with the vision and equipped with the capacity to bring it to fruition. Remarkably,Obama took up pieces of the Clinton Health Initiative revived it , built upon it and made the relay happen like an Olympian gold medalist. He crossed the finish line with a concept drawn from a Republican governor who likely withholds support simply because Obama has made a success of it. Well,much to be said of an idea whose time has come when there is a good amount of perseverance, acumen and stamina to meet and rise to the occasion. In the face of extreme opposition and scathing criticism Obama had to contend with awaiting approval from the Supreme Court while dealing with continuous efforts by House Republicans to repeal the Act. Thankfully,many of the hurdles have been bypassed. Ironically the law was based on a concept drawn from a Republican governor whose state made a success of it. He now denies ownership or support simply because Obama has made a success of it. Well,it is unfortunate that detractors are being so intellectually dishonest at this time when the entire country would be better off working together supporting Obama and any ideas or programs promoting sensible comprehensive Health Care Reform. The current video flooding the television airwaves is incredibly slanted against the Affordable Care Act. It is disappointing that a faction disapproving the ACA chose to use a woman suffering from cancer to speak of ACA's shortcomings, using the media to spread falsehoods and play on people's sympathies.

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